Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mmmm, Routine

January 28th, 2009

You know what I love? Getting into a nice, calming routine. Seriously, I think my life pretty much squanders away when I can't feel comfortable in my daily routine. But I think I am finally settling into one. I love just being able to come home and set my "school life" aside and just chill - watch Dr. Phil, make some dinner, relax for a while. And I think my "after school routine" is really helping me establish my "going to bed routine" - which is probably even more essential. I tell you, if I don't have a good routine for bedtime, I end up staying awake until all hours of the night, doing silly things like browsing the internet, reading, etc. So now I'm getting a bit better at managing my evening time, and it feels wayyyyyy less stressful.

Which is nice :) I was in bed at probably 11:15 last night, and read a chapter of my book (Vienna Prelude by Bodie Thoene - - it's SO good!) and then had a nice deep sleep. Ahhhhh!

It's not that I don't like spontaneity or variety - it's just that for my everyday, "usual" life, I need routine to help me function. I wonder if other people have this need. Hmmmm...

Also, another thing that I love A LOT is a new little dessert/snack that I discovered. Probably the entire world knew about this before me, but it's so delish! Basically, I just cut up an apple into little chunks, mix a tablespoon or so of brown sugar and a bit of cinnamon in, and microwave it for 40 seconds. It's so great - it's like a bowl of apple pie filling, but crispier and just YUM. So I make that a lot after dinner. MMmmmmmmm.

Well, that's it for now.

With all the sweetness of apple pie,

p.s. - This is HILARIOUS. Seriously. I laughed out loud.