Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dishwashing Escapades!

February 28th 2009

So, last night for LCF was one of our semi-annual dishwashing adventures. Basically, the group divides into groups of three and tackles the SSR rez, going door-to-door asking people if they have any dirty dishes that they would like washed - for free. People are very, very amazed at this prospect, wondering incredulously at how this service could possibly be for free.

Last night, as we were questioned again and again about the cost of our dishwashing services, I kept reflected on the thought of a free gift - and how we sinful humans really don't understand the concept. People come to your door unexpectedly and ask if they can wash your dishes for free - you question their motives. When God offers you the gift of salvation for free - no monetary fee, no quota of good deeds to be filled - we question that, too.

Ephesians 2:8-9 spells it out:

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."

Free. The gift of grace. How amazing!

All in all, it was a great night. People were really grateful for this free gift, and it felt so good to be able to serve them whole-heartedly. It was pretty neat to see the state of disarray each kitchen would be in when we arrived, and how nice it looked when we left. One boy's apartment in particular was quite grody - we went the whole nine yards for them, and cleaned the top of their stove, the counters, their coffee pot and stand, and their microwave. I hope the cleanliness blessed them! It blessed me. We kept coming up with catchy little spiritual analogies as well - "hey, this is like what Jesus told the lepers - be clean!" haha, all in good fun of course.

We had one guy ask us where he could find a church on campus, and were able to direct him to All Nations, and then he gave us sort of a Bible drill (?!) which was interesting.

Anyway, in other news, I've become a little obsessed with finding pictures of really great-looking interior decor and saving them to my laptop, in hopes of someday being able to consult them when decorating my own house :) it's fun! For example:

I just love this bedroom! It's so bright and cheery. The colour of the walls and the pink on the bedspread is just awesome.

Anyway, I better get going, another busy day ahead!

With dishpan hands,


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Overheard Comment...

February 7th, 2009

I overheard a couple of older ladies talking, leaving the classroom that I was going into for my night class this past week. They were discussing various topics related to marriage, which inevitably led to a discussion on divorce, with one woman declaring that all couples should be ready for divorce at any time, especially when first entering into a marriage. She quoted the "fact" that 50% of marriages end in divorce, and proceeded to berate women who see any meaning in the white dress, solemn procession down the aisle, etc., as living in a fairytale. Well.

I know it's good to be cautious when entering into any relationship. It's wise to ask God's guidance throughout, trusting in His providence to steer a relationship in the paths He would set out for it. But I think preparing for the almost "inevitability" of divorce is a sad, misguided, and wrong thing to do. The person you decide to marry, should be the person you decide to marry FOR LIFE. That's the promise you enter into. Barring abuse or infidelity, that is the promise you need to keep.

So, needless to say, I was saddened by this woman's view on the covenant of marriage. This topic has been on my mind lately, as I have just discovered - which is a Focus on the Family site for "young adults" (haha)... it's got some really great articles. You should check it out. Seriously.

Well, I guess I better go, Mark's coming to pick me up soon and I'm ready! Ahhh!

With lots of confetti and bubbles,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Taylor Swift and Other News

Well, I guess I should admit it.

I actually like Taylor Swift. I know, I know, I am staunchly and firmly in opposition to country music in all of its incarnations. But her music is just SO CATCHY! I love "You Belong With Me", although it is slightly creepy, and if I were the love interest's tacky girlfriend, I would be SO out to get Ms. Swift. Seriously, that's dangerous business right there.

In other news, I have an essay due on Thursday that simply will not start itself. What a dilemma. I think I should just get it over with and quit school.

Also, my very kind and generous mummy and daddy bought me a new printer on the weekend, to replace the one that hasn't worked ALL YEAR. I am so pleased! I named it Louis to match my laptoppy, who is named Louise.

Anywho, I guess I should get going, maybe if I go to sleep now I will be more motivated in the morning to get some good headway in for my essay. It's driving me bonkers.

With all my fondest regards,

Aww, look. It's Louis and Louise cuddling!