Go to your music player, set it to shuffle/random, and answer the following
If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would shout:
"Beautiful Sound" - Newsboys
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
"Reborn" - Rebecca St. James
Your message to the world:
"Ave Maria" - Celtic Woman (hey... I'm not catholic!)
When you think of your best friend you think:
"Petit Papa Noel" - Josh Groban (BAHA)
Your deepest secret:
"Those Words Are Not Enough" - Relient K
Your innermost desire:
"My Lips" - Veggietales AHAHAHA
Your oldest memory makes you think:
"Southbound Train" - Jon Foreman
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you should have included:
"I Need You" - Relient K
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
"Dreams" - Gavin DeGraw
Your friends say behind your back:
"In This Temple, As In The Hearts Of Man For Whom He Saved The Earth" - Sufjan Stevens (well that's inspirational)
You say behind your friends' back:
"Hide and Seek" - Imogen Heap
Your opinion of Blogging:
"In My Place" - Coldplay (good one)
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
"Oh! Darling" - The Beatles (... i say it to my alarm clock)
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
"Learning How to Die" - Jon Foreman (AHHAHAHAHAHAAAA)
Right now, your feelings are:
"Come Down" - Brie Stoner
What's your excuse for reposting this music survey?:
"Santa Claus is Thumbing to Town" - Relient K
Your life's soundtrack:
"May it Be" - Celtic Woman (sweet)
The day you fell in love was the day that:
"Bittersweet Symphony" - The Verve
Title you'll repost this as:
"A Little More" - Jennifer Knapp
And here is a little bit of love to brighten your day.... this guy writes the same message on walls, buildings, etc. all around New York. Pretty cool.